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No-Code Virtual Reality Software for Enterprises
Create and publish VR projects for every use-case and every device.
- Efficient cloud-based VR workflow
- AI to simplify Virtual Reality project creation
- Intelligent analytics to optimize virtual business processes
- Trusted by enterprises for global roll-out and Metaverse readiness
Get to know the VRdirect Solution
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with VRdirect?
You‘ve already gotten an intro or demo for VRdirect? Then get started with the VRdirect Studio.
Enterprises that successfully use Virtual Reality and VRdirect
Many renowned companies have already established virtual reality as a standard technology.
Learn more about real success stories our clients have created with our platform.
Virtual Reality eröffnet vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, die von grundlegenden Mitarbeiterschulungen und Onboarding bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Unfall- und Risikopräventionsstrategien reichen. Mithilfe von VR können Prozesse standardisiert und optimiert werden und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Compliance und der Förderung einer starken Sicherheitskultur in Unternehmen.
Nestlé begann schon früh, Virtual Reality ins Unternehmen zu integrieren, unter anderem um die Sicherheit der Mitarbeitenden durch flexible Schulungen zu verbessern. Aktuelles Beispiel: das Girona Pedestrian Safety Training.
Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeiter ist für Unternehmen weltweit ein wichtiges und allgegenwärtiges Thema. Immersive Technologien wie Virtual Reality erhöhen den Lerneffekt für die Mitarbeiter und helfen ihnen, die Schulungsinhalte schneller zu erfassen und sicherer anzuwenden. Siemens hat genau das erkannt und setzt Virtual Reality erfolgreich zur Schulung seiner Mitarbeiter ein.
What our customers say

“By using VRdirect for events, we could enable our customers to experience a product with a larger footprint even when it is physically not there.”

“We are already seeing XING clients using the VR platform VRdirect and are keen to keep on recommending it within our partnership.”

Xing Events
“Working with VRdirect could not have been simpler or faster. It was a very constructive cooperation at eye level, goal-oriented and focused on the final result.”

“VRdirect enabled us to present our product portfolio in a virtual and interactive environment, showcasing real use-case scenarios that are usually inaccessible to clients. This state-of-the-art technology represents and compliments Cherry’s innovative and advanced philosophy in a perfect way.”

“For us to scale our business, we need a stable platform that reliably lets us work on a lot of projects in a standardized and easy-to-use manner. VRdirect does exactly that. We are able to realize projects quickly and efficiently, which means we can take on more orders and at the same time sell at very attractive rates.”

“Without VRdirect we could not have implemented our idea. So, thank you again for the great cooperation! Together we have been able to release an innovative and exciting app.”
“Virtual Reality is the perfect technology for trainings and workshops. With VRdirect we can realize scalable VR projects for different devices while keeping development costs low.”

“With the help of VRdirect, each of the participating young people was able to quickly and easily create their own application, which they could try out on their own smartphone. The result was well received at various events and the participants were able to explain themselves how they "programmed" the 360° experience. Users could experience the Escape Room long after it was dismantled in the museum.”
“Virtual Reality applications are becoming increasingly relevant for SME customers. As Deutsche Telekom, we want to offer customers a simple solution to create Virtual Reality projects with the "Telekom VR-Tour" offering as part of our MagentaBusiness WebServices portfolio. VRdirect provides the best VRaaS technology to enable our VR products and allows for flexible integration in our CI and CRM systems - which makes them the ideal partner for us.”

“Incorporating Virtual Reality into our trade show experience was a first-timer for us. That’s why it was especially great to find a reliable and professional partner in VRdirect who have been supporting us every step along the way. The timeframe for development was really short, yet they managed to create the VR experiences exactly like we wanted.”
“I am convinced that 360 degrees virtual reality offers incredible opportunities in almost all areas of the industry. With the simple VRdirect Studio software, the downloadable app and reliable tech support, I have now found a tool that enables me to exploit these potentials and expand my portfolio as an image-maker. VR is the future, and the future is here now if we want to take advantage of it ...”
