Build your own interactive 360° experience with CGI content

May 24, 2018
Build your own interactive 360° experience with CGI content

Specializing in CGI renderings, Advanced Computer Art GmbH (ACA) is one of the leaders in creating high-end product visualizations for luxury aircraft, boats or other industrial designs.

Based on virtual 3D geometry and delivering in formats such as still images, movies  and applications, ACA can display interiors, exterior spaces and products before they are even completed. This creates the perfect opportunity for interactive 360° experiences to be leveraged.

We sat down with the ACA’s CEO, Tobias Malangre, to discuss CGI-based interactive 360° experiences and VRdirect:

Question: Who is Advanced Computer Art (ACA) and what industries do you specialize in?

Answer: ACA has been in operation since 1986. We create CGI content primarily focused in the AVIATION industry. We also create CGI content for industry sectors such as sailing and yachts, railway, architecture and industrial products.

Question: What does CGI mean, exactly?

Answer: CGI stands for computer-generated imagery. It’s the creation of still or animated visual content with imaging software. CGI is used to serve many purposes, from industrial cases to movies and Virtual Reality applications. We use CGI to create 3D worlds on our computer screens, and from there we can produce 2D and 3D products that are very close to reality.


Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing CGI in contrast to using “real” images/photography?

Answer: Using CGI to create a virtual environment and renderings has the advantages of being faster and easier to produce with a more high-end result than when compared to traditional photography.

Question: Reflecting on your experiences with your clients, do you think that VR technology will prevail in the long term? What would it take for that?

Answer: VR on glasses allows customers to immerse themselves in the virtual space and to experience it. Since there are still many customers who feel uncomfortable or even sick with putting on glasses, one must wait to see if this technology will prevail. This technology is already a very powerful tool on smartphones, tablets or PCs.

Question: What are the benefits of building an interactive VR experience with VRdirect?

Answer: Easy creation and above all, the provisioning to export your experience for all devices seamlessly is a great advantage.

Question: How important is the topic of cross-platform solution for the market?

Answer: Cross-platform is certainly one of the most important of these technologies, as customers have a wide variety of endpoints.

About VRdirect

The VRdirect platform is the easiest solution to create and publish Virtual Reality projects. There are no expert skills needed. Moreover, Virtual Reality projects created with VRdirect can be published instantly via any VR enabled device, smartphone or web-browser and you can update them easily and in real-time.

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