My assets suddenly disappear and cannot be found anymore.

When media assets (such as images, videos, sounds, etc.) suddenly disappear in the VRdirect Studio, it is often related to where the media path has its origin.

Every media asset, that was added in the Studio, has a relating media path that points to the place where the file is stored – e.g. Computer > Desktop > Folder1 > Folder 2 …

This is the reason why it is very important to not move files around after creating in the VRdirect Studio. Otherwise, the system cannot find the file anymore because the relating path has changed. If this problem occurs, please make sure to try the following:

•After creating the VR project, have you moved any of the assets (or folder) to a different location on your computer? If yes, please try to move it back to its original location.

•After creating the VR project, have you moved the project file (.vrprj) to a different location on your computer? If yes, please try to move it back to its original location.
•Please try opening the VR project on two different internet networks (e.g. personal Hotspot and private network).
•Are your assets stored on an online server or on your local computer? Please try opening the VR project on a different computer.
•Please try restarting your computer.
•Please try uninstalling and reinstalling the VRdirect Studio on your computer.
•Please try exporting the VR project to see if all assets are exported correctly.
•Please try uploading the VR project (.vrprj) in the Publishing part. If it does not work, which error message do you see?
•Please try creating a small test VR project with different assets.
•Please update the VRdirect Studio to its latest version.

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